Modern Slavery

The Noé Group is a family-run firm focused on investments across private equity and commercial real estate. Noé Group Holdings Limited and its associated entities (Goldacre Ventures Limited, Capreon UK Limited, and Capreon EMEA Limited) will not knowingly support or conduct business with any organisation involved in slavery and human trafficking and seeks to achieve high standards of governance throughout our organisation. We believe that high standards of corporate responsibility are of great ethical importance and also have the potential to protect and maximise investment returns for our clients. As a result, our investment processes actively consider modern slavery and human trafficking as part of our broader Environmental, Social, and Governance (‘ESG’) framework. The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 underpins our approach to this Modern Slavery Statement.

Noé Group Holdings Limited is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (‘UNPRI’), a voluntary framework for incorporating ESG issues into investment decision-making and ownership practices. This reflects our view that ESG integration can enhance long term financial returns. Both our employee onboarding process and our supplier procurement processes have been assessed in line with best practices and we require all material suppliers to explicitly attest to their compliance with Modern Slavery Act provisions. As a supplier of asset management services, we operate in a sector which is at relatively low risk of modern slavery through direct employments, however we are alert to the risks of modern slavery in the real estate sector and throughout our supply chain. While the majority of the countries in which our entities operate are not ranked as high risk by the Global Slavery Index, we are committed to combatting modern slavery across its potential touchpoints within our business.